Hello Kitty Annual Event

Hello Kitty 年度大展

(2009 - 2012)
Hello Kitty 35th Special Campaign
Hello Kitty 35周年特別企劃
每年暑期,Sanrio 都會在香港舉辦大型的活動。2009年正好是Hello Kitty 的35周年紀念。Kitty Lab 就是 Hello Kitty 35 周年的特別企劃。

Dimension Plus 為 Kitty Lab 這個模擬城市製作互動媒體裝置,讓入場者在這個模擬城市裡經歷,並創作自己的Kitty ID。入場者都會帶著KTA: Kitty基因進入這個模擬城市,透過不同的互動媒體裝置,培育並打造屬於自己的Hello Kitty,KTA會記錄這些成長基因,當你遊歷完這個模擬城市,你會得到一張屬於自己打造出來的Kitty ID 身份證。Kitty Lab的活動大受歡迎,國際巡迴展覽從香港(2009)、新加坡(2009)、日本展出(2010)。

九龍灣國際展貿中心,香港 (2009)
Singapore Expo Hall 1,新加坡(2009)
Who’s the Next Hello Kitty
“Sanrio Present: Who’s the next Hello Kitty?” is the special project of 50th Sanrio Anniversary. The main theme is to find whether you have potential to be the next Hello Kitty. In the theme park like event, there are some tasks that you need to finish. Including a series of tasks like Catalk: to check whether you make a correct pose of the provided standard pose, a photo taking to check whether you have a smile as good as the super model, and also there is a spy-like tunnel before you can reach the Kitty Queen for the final stage, etc.
“Sanrio Present: Who’s the next Hello Kitty? 多年來Hello Kitty 風靡全球,人氣指數持續高企,萬千寵愛在一身,令可愛風潮席全球。試問她在Sanrio的巨星級地位誰可代替?不過,下一個Hello Kitty可能就是您! 這是一個五十年難得一遇的閃耀機會﹣高高在上的Kitty 女皇以Sanrio 創立五十週年為契機廣發英雄帖, 設下一系列遊戲關卡,在女皇的使者引領下,應邀候選的您將踏上華麗的冒險,銀色的旅途。考驗您是否具備成為一代巨星的潛力,然後步步進逼女皇的寶座﹣萬眾期待下一顆皇牌巨星的誕生。” “Sanrio Present: Who’s the next Hello Kitty?” 是Sanrio 50 週年的特別企劃。參加者入場後要接受一個又一個的考驗,分數會以金幣形式記下,決定你是路人甲,特約演員,還是巨星!這是我們再次為Sanrio 泡製的企劃,當中包括一個又一個互動裝置:奇幻天橋Catwalk測試你有沒有擺準Pose,可愛寫真館看看你笑容夠不夠Kawaii,寶石路看看有反應穿過佈 滿紅外線的路,等等。
Sanrio Robotics Institute
RobotK is created by Hello Kitty, she is descendant of a greatest inventor Kitty Da VinKi. Snario Robotics Institute, is the place that Sanrio design and produce Robot K. Fans of Hello Kitty would act as a researcher and get into the institute, receive the training to become an engineer, getting Koins to gear up with accessories.
機械人Robot K是由Hello Kitty所創造,其實她一直隱藏了自己Kitty Da VinKi的身分,祖先是偉大發明家的她更是第五十一代嫡系傳人。Sanrio Robotics Institute,由日本Sanrio設計專門製造Robot K等機械人,粉絲們將有機會以研究生身分,在迷宮般的研究所裏接受名為KI Beta(Kitty Intelligence Beta)的工程師暑期訓練計畫,賺取K幣換取不同的裝備配件。
Hello Kitty in Oz:
The Lost Chapter

This is the 4th year Dimension Plus has been working with Sanrio for their year big event. This theme of this year is “Hello Kitty in Oz: The Lost Chapter”. Covering and crossover with the fairy tales “Wizard of Oz”, creating a special experience of Hello Kitty. And the interactive media this year also has a breakthrough, from the form of kiosk to environment embedded. We embedded the interactive media in the entire theme park, it is totally be merged into the environment.

The storyline is: Oz becomes mess because of Kitty destroy one of the pages of the book, player will need to go into the Oz and fix the world. Player will have a piece of Kitty Wizard with an assigned character: Lion, Scarecrow or Tin-man. During the whole process, player would use the Kitty Wizard and make alliance with the other three characters. If the player would alliance with all other three character, it will has the bonus point in the final stage! Player will need to take different challenges including Lion’s forest to train the courage, Tin-man’s house to find and inject the heart and Scarecrow’s home to train the guts, with three more small games: a Tarot card memory game in Wizard’s tent, corn BBQ at Corn’s storage and wood cropping at the garden, then will get into the Emerald City. Meeting the MC-Escher like castle, the player will reach the final stage. In this stage, player will need to fix the book in order to fix the world of Oz. Score will be stored in the Kitty Wizard, player would gear up with accessories by spending the scores!
這是Dimension Plus由2009的Kitty Lab開始連續第四年為Sanrio創製的年度大展。今年主題是Hello Kitty in Oz: The Lost Chapter,玩轉綠野仙蹤的故事,創造另類Hello Kitty 故事經驗。這一年的互動新媒體也大改了風格,由以住站式遊戲變成了嵌入式,嵌入到整個主題樂園裡,表面是場景,但其實苦心經營了各種互動裝置。

故事是說:Oz的世界因為Kitty在書上撕走了而變得混亂,玩家要進入Oz世界把它復修!玩家進場時會得到一隻Kitty巫師,並會得到一個角色的身份:獅子、稻草人 或 鐵人。過程中你可以利用 Kitty巫師和另外的角色結盟。如果能和其它三個角色都結盟,在終極關卡時會有特別分數!當玩家進入到Oz的世界後,他要挑戰不同的關卡,包括屬於獅子的場景的森林去訓練勇氣、鐵人屋注入心跳、稻草人屋訓練膽量,加上三個小遊戲:巫師屋的記憶遊戲、粟米屋的燒粟米,和草園的砍木頭,最後會進入翡翠城,遇上MC Escher般的堡壘,然後來到終極關卡把綠野仙踪的書修理好,就能成功把Oz世界復修好!而得到的分數會儲在Kitty 巫師在出口處為Kitty巫師添置裝備!